Display indicators
Your headset has a display that gives you all the info you need. Depending on what
you're doing and your phone model, it shows you the name of the connected device,
caller name or number, the name of the song you're listening to, and the frequency
and name (if available) of the radio station.
General indicators
You're connected to a device that supports A2DP, such as a music player.
You're connected to a device that supports HFP, such as a phone.
The headset has paired or connected successfully.
The headset is searching for Bluetooth devices.
Battery indicators
The battery is full.
Medium battery level.
Low battery level.
The battery is empty.
Player and FM radio indicators
You're searching radio stations down through the available frequencies.
You're searching radio stations up through the available frequencies.
The player is playing.
The player is paused.
The player is rewinding.
The player is fast-forwarding.
Call indicators
You're in a call.
A call is on hold.
Someone is calling you.
You're calling someone.

Settings and help indicators
Restore factory settings.
Next setting.
Previous setting.
The item is selected.
The item is not selected.